English Language Institute receives national accreditation

Dr. Bruce Morgan and ELI Lecturer Christi Laginess with ELI's accreditation
ELI Director Bruce Morgan and ELI Lecturer Christi Laginess

The English Language Institute at Wayne State, the only intensive English program in Detroit, received accreditation from the Commission on English Language Program Accreditation (CEA), demonstrating that the program meets the highest national standards for English language programs. All currently enrolled students and alumni will be considered graduates of an accredited program recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

For over 40 years, the ELI has used the most up-to-date methods to ensure that students get quick, efficient, and comprehensive English language training. The ELI makes use of the latest audio-visual and computer technology alongside small-sized classes taught by experienced instructors.

"People who use this program can't spend six years learning English," says ELI Program Director Bruce Morgan. "They need to be able to learn it in one or two semesters. They get 24 hours of instruction a week; it is an intense program.

"Ultimately, the best test of the ELI is going to be how the students perform in the university," says Morgan. "English proficiency isn't the only guarantee of academic performance, but we don't want that to be the reason why a student may struggle. We want to guarantee they will have adequate proficiency in English."

Becoming accredited takes nearly two years, with the ELI beginning its application in January 2017. The accreditation required a long self-reflection process to ensure the institute meets 11 national standards required by CEA in the areas of coursework and instruction.

"This process was time consuming, but it was a good exercise all and all," says Morgan. "It gave us time to reflect upon ourselves. It was a good occasion to create a dialogue among us and make us think about how we do things, while making the process easier for students."

More information about the ELI, including how to apply and what the curriculum looks like, can be found online.

By Jacob Stocking, OIP communications associate.

The Office of International Programs leads Wayne State's global engagement by creating opportunities that foster international education and research, facilitate the exchange of individuals and ideas that promote global competencies and citizenship, and provide resources that support the expansion of the university's global agenda. Follow us @WayneOIP.

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