FAQs for Faculty

Why apply to Fulbright? Receiving a Fulbright Award will raise your professional profile and broaden your cross-cultural perspective in the classroom. Studies show that co-publishing rises rapidly after a Fulbright award.

Who is eligible? U.S. citizens who are university scholars/faculty are eligible at any stage of their career, from post-docs to senior-level professors, as well as administrators and researchers.

What is the program timeframe? 2-12 months.

How many awards are available? 800+ awards in 135 countries annually.

When can I apply? Materials can be submitted from February to September for the following year. 

Where do I find out more? fulbrightscholars.org, fulbrightscholars.org/faq/scholar-faqGlobal Engagement calendar

Can the Office of Fellowships help me with my Fulbright application? Yes! Our team can answer questions regarding fellowship application eligibility and deadlines, facilitate connections locally and abroad, and offer input on application documents. Contact Katie Franklin, Fulbright faculty liaison and OIP project coordinator, at fellowships@wayne.edu.

If you receive an award, our office will share the news campuswide, with your school/college marketing team, on OIP's social media and with your local news outlet(s). We will also offer opportunities for you to discuss your experiences with students and colleagues via our weekly Global Café, during Fulbright presentations and during International Education Week in November.

Faculty handouts

Online resources

Additional opportunities