
At the ELI, we believe that every student's opinion counts.  We encourage students to tell us about any of their concerns or problems that they may have to improve the quality of the learning environment at the ELI.  A formal complaint is a written way of making your concerns known to the ELI faculty, and staff, which will give you the opportunity to have a formal meeting with the ELI Academic Coordinator about the complaint.

Before making a formal complaint, there are steps you can take to make your concerns known and to resolve a problem informally:

  • If you are really unhappy about something at the ELI, you should first discuss the problem with the person most directly involved: the teacher, the administrator, or the support staff in the ELI Main Office. Talking directly to the person involved is not only the quickest way to solve a problem, but it is also the approach most frequently followed by American students.
  • If you have a question or concern about your class, it is best to speak with the teacher. Making an appointment to talk with the teacher in his or her office, not in the classroom before or after your class, is also the approach most frequently followed by American students.  
  • Students with questions and/or concerns or suggestions about the program and the policies of the ELI should make an appointment to speak with the ELI Academic Coordinator.

Formal complaint procedure

For a concern or a complaint that remains unresolved, please complete and submit the formal student complaint form.

Formal Student Complaint Form

The ELI Academic Coordinator will review the form and contact you to arrange a meeting. If you need help to understand or to complete this form, an ELI representative can help you and will keep your complaint completely confidential.